Sometimes I look at my dog sleeping on her bed, and I think " this is not my dog."
Although she has been in my house since January and it is now March, I still do not have feelings of "this is mine." I feel like someone has just asked me to watch their dog for them for an undetermined amount of times. They also asked me to re name the dog, change it's food, pick a different vet for it. So in all aspects, the dog should feel like mine, but it does not.
I am not sure why. My dog at my mom's house that I have raised and loved up for 7years. That to me is my dog even though she still lives with my mom. The alien dog in my house that does weird obsessive things like lick the stove and hide in my book case. Can't possibly be my dog. It's the weirdness of getting a dog that for 6 entire years was someone else's dog, that has all of their neurotic tendencies that makes me feel like, nope not mine.
My dog which is now my Mom's dog, she acts like me, crazy, and eating a lot, and in need of constant affection and attention. I love that dog. This dog, I am trying to love. It is not working. That sounds mean, I know. I don't dislike her, I just don't have the I LOVE THIS DOG SO MUCH, feelings for her. Maybe they will come.I hope it's not like this when I have a baby. Seriously, how rough would that be. " I know you came out of my vagina and all but I did not see you come out, so how can I know your mine?" I would never actually do that. But just saying. It makes me worry I don't love things enough.
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